Monday, November 24, 2008

Get in gear

Firstly, to understand this blog entry I will have to tell you what a driving gear and a driven gear is. A driving gear is the gear attached to the motor, the driven one is the one attached to the wheel. If the driving gear is bigger than your driven gear, then your robot will be so much faster than the motor as the gear attached to the wheel has less time to rotate that the bigger gear. If the driving gear is smaller than the driven gear, the wheels will go slower than the motor, because of the same reason as the other one.


Aarshin said...

nice detail you have put into your blog.
but did you answer avery's questions in the blog?

a_kennedy said...

isnt is supposed to be a summary because he said not to just answer the questions? oh and Aarshin's right, i dont see the blog for his Q.s OR mine.....

are they coming soon?
you need them