Monday, November 10, 2008

Building Strategies

To build the robot, i was thinking of having the actuall NXT horizontal on the robot. The robot will have to be light enough so the robot does not jump like a frog. Tracks are a good application too.

The sensors have to be rearanged so they are all fully functional. This means that the touch sensor has to be at the front for it to actually touch the wall but the ultrasonic has to be at the front aswell. For the robot to actually be in the box, the light sensor has to be at the back. If we are not lucky enough to miss the cans, the cannon will have to be in the middle, but again nothing in front of it.


Aarshin said...

good job in this blog.
get the blog on the obstacle course and it would look awesome!!
nice photo on the robot

a_kennedy said...

nice robot pic, where did you get it cause they might have more pics for designs!