Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Geometry of LEGO (made in denmark)

That 1*1*1* lego brick they have always been talking about? Yeah that one. It is not acually a1*1*1 brick, it is a 6*5*5 lego brick. This is without the stud. The first actual lego brick was 2*4*1. It is actually the ratio that is important if you divide 9.6 by 8 to get 1.2(the height corresponding to 1.2 times the width.. this is because a studs width corresponds to 8mm and the hight of the brick, without the stud, to 9.6mm. that is the hard way. The ratio is easier to remember whe it is like this; 6:5. Whats the use of all this though? You dont want to make your robot too heavy with all this math anyway. To make a good robot, you have to make it strong and light weight. Impossible you say, no you can! You use studded beams, plates and pins and make a chassis. then you cross-brace it. With some of the new models os plates and pins, you could make an even ligher and stronger one. Ok here comes the math again. You must know the Pyagathorean Theorem? If you dont, then it is simple to learn. A2+B2=C2. a=base and b=height. There are only certian combos that work so I am going to show one for you to know what works and what doesn't. A=13 and B=26 13*13+26*26=c2--169+676=c2--169+676=845--square root 845=29. this works because of the whole number so c=292. You get the picture. oh and one last thing, liftarms. there are so many applications for these babys. You could connect them, make them work for a sensor or make them activate one themselves. There is so much more but I have to go now bye!

1 comment:

Aarshin said...

that is a lot od detail given on this blog. However i think that you should still keep on writing.
don't stop!!